The ChickenSwap Vault has Launched

Chef Grandpa
2 min readNov 25, 2020

Chicken! Chicken!

Chef Grandpa is happy to announce that the Chickenswap Vault is now live! Check them out at and reap the benefits.

Please read the info below on how to use the Chickenswap Vault:

● Which assets can be deposited to the ChickenSwap Vault?
ChickenSwap Vault supports USDT and USDC currently.

● What % can I earn from the ChickenSwap Vault?
All profit will be settled via USDT and KFC, the total value depends on the APY number. KFC rewards depend on the proportion of total vault deposits.

● How can I deposit assets in the vault?
Please link your on-chain wallet with ChickenSwap, then you can deposit your asset (USDT or USDC) via the page.

● How is the ChickenSwap Vault APY calculated?
The APY is calculated automatically and depends on the ROI of the ChickenSwap Vault’s investment target and strategy. APY will be calculated every 10 mins, and will adjust in real-time.

● How can I withdraw assets and profits from the Vault?
All assets in the Vault can be withdrawn anytime. The withdrawal fee is 0.125%. Rewards can be withdrawn together with vault pool assets. We will upgrade the withdraw function in the future and users can withdraw their investment and profit separatly.

Since we have stopped the altcoin staking pool, miners, don’t forget to withdraw your assets. Please check the Staking page of

Please enjoy the new functions of ChickenSwap. Feel free to contact Chef Grandpa if you have any more questions.




Chef Grandpa

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