KFC has completed the fourth halving

Chef Grandpa
Nov 12, 2020

Hi! ChickenSwap community fans

Chef Grandpa is here to remind that KFC has completed its fourth halving. Welcome to check details as below:

Halve time: Nov-09–2020 11:25:06 PM +UTC
Halve Block height: 11226296
Block Reward: From 0.1625 to 0.08

Each halving cycle depends on Ethereum block time, each halving cycle is 80640 blocks. KFC block reward will be halved automatically, KFC miners, please pay attention to your rewards number change.

ChickenSwap is driven by community, thanks for all your support. If you have any questions about the halving, you are welcome to ask Chef Grandpa on Twitter or Telegram.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/chefgrandpa
Telegram: https://t.me/chickenswap



Chef Grandpa

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